
After care


in Care

Useful Links


IMO is a voice for teenagers in care and for care leavers. It is somewhere you can share stories, experiences and achievements, get and give advice, and find loads of great free stuff! They share blogs, vlogs, podcasts and more from teens in care, and they link Children in Care Councils in England together around common campaigns. They also share opportunities for care leavers, like jobs and apprenticeships, and give away loads of free stuff! IMO was created by the Children’s Commissioner for England in collaboration with an advisory network of teens with care experience.

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Care Leave Covenant

All young people who leave care at 16, 17 or 18 are provided with statutory support, in the form of a Local Offer. This should include help in the transition to living independently; support with finding accommodation and with any costs of participating in education, training and employment.

However, in order to provide a greater level of support at this crucial stage during the transition of care leavers to adulthood, wider society also needs to play a part, which is where the Care Leaver Covenant comes in.

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Black Country Advocacy

The Black Counctry Advocacy provide advice and support for children and young people who are in the care system and need to talk to someone independent from the council or children's services. 

Who is the service available to?
They offer confidential advocacy services for children and young people up to the age of 25 who are in care, leaving care or who have a social worker. They also offer advocacy services for disabled children and disabled looked after young people.

For further information please view the Black Country Advocacy Leaflet 2022

For referrals please visit Black Country Advocacy Referral Form  or email BCA.referral@childrenssociety.org.uk

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House Project

The Wolverhampton House Project has launched a new website to showcase the progress and successes of young care leavers who will be moving into their own homes for the first time in the months ahead. The website will enable people to find out more about the scheme, meet the team, hear from the young people involved and follow their progress.

The Wolverhampton House Project is designed to help care leavers through one of the most difficult periods in their young lives.

The scheme – a partnership between the City of Wolverhampton Council, The National House Project and commercial partner Reconomy – will see 10 care leavers aged 16 and over given an empty Wolverhampton Homes property which they can refurbish and then move into. They will be able to continue living in it for as long as they choose – forever if that’s what they want to do.

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Family Action - Listening Works

Smiley faceFamily Action have a team of volunteers, ready to answer your call, text or web chat between 6pm and 12 midnight, every day. If you call during these hours and the line is busy, that is only because all our volunteers are already talking to someone, so just leave a message and someone will get back to you.

They can offer:

  • A listening ear
  • A friendly voice
  • A chance to talk to someone who won’t judge you
  • Signposting to useful resources – what support is out there and how to get it
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